Sören Kirchner
Sören Kirchner

Latest Projects


Modernism in Architecture

iOS App

Friends of mine run an online archive for modernist architecture in Europe and beyond. An architecture style that emerged in the interwar period between the 1920s and 1940s.

I wrote the MIA App to explore buildings and architects of the their archive on the iPhone. The App is written in Swift.

The source code of the App and the project as well is available as open source.

MIA App in the AppStore
Modernism in Architecture
MIA Github Project


Switching German Gendering Notations

is a script for website owners who want to let their readers choose the way of gendering or degendering, according to Phettberg/Kronschläger.

It is a possible method to support gender equality in the German language for online publications.

gendy Github Repository
German Article: (Ent-)Gendern von Online-Publikationen


Swift & SwiftUI

iOS Development

In 2016 I started looking into mobile app development and fell in love with Swift.

To go deeper and to learn and train the skills for real world projects I took a course. (graduated in 2018)

And with the appearance of SwiftUI, my love became deeper! Since then, I never miss WWDC and love to write apps in Swift and annoy those around me with it.

iOS Developer Nanodegree
Article: A SwiftUI Search Bar — Part 1
Article: A SwiftUI Search Bar — Part 2

Artificial Intelligence

Deep Learning

Deep Reinforcement Learning

My fascination for Artificial Intelligence was already awakened a few years ago at university. When AI started to gain more importance, I decided to take a closer look at the topic again and completed the Deep Learning course at Udacity. (graduated in 2019)

The course included own projects on different neural network architectures like Convolutional Neural Networks, Recurrent Neural Networks and Generative Adversarial Networks.

Two years later, I decided to expand my knowledge and took the challenging Deep Reinforcement Learning course at Udacity. (graduated in 2022)

To graduate, I had to complete projects on Value-Based Methods, Policy-Based Methods and Multi-Agent-Reinforcement Learning.

Besides the necessary things, I experimented a bit with different types of noise on the DDGP algorithm and wrote an article about it.

Deep Reinforcement Learning Nanodegree
Deep Learning Nanodegree
Article: Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient (DDPG) with and without Ornstein–Uhlenbeck process


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love tech
teach coding
inspire people

Nullaufeins is a group of developers and creatives from Leipzig. For many years we are involved in the tech community, coaching and mentoring people. Because we love to teach, inspire and bring people into tech we decided to found this organisation to help finance our events and workshops.



tologo verlag

publishing house

In the small company, run by my wife and me, we publish books and a magazine in German on the topics of Respectful Child Education and Democratic Education.

My job is to develop and maintain our websites. Both front and backend. In addition, the automation of InDesign and Photoshop and typesetting.

